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Personalized Portfolios Questionnaire
Greg Reid
Expectations Calculator
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Client Data
Investor Name
Advisor Name
Investment Amount
This number, shown in dollars, reflects the starting balance of this portfolio.
Years Until Significant Distribution
This number reflects the years until your goal (i.e. retirement).
Include an Annual Systematic Investment or Withdrawal?
(Keep in mind systematic withdrawals may reduce the chance of achieving your goal)
Systematic Investment
Systematic Withdrawal
Systematic Investment Amount
Systematic Withdrawal Amount
1. The funds in this account represent this percentage of my retirement savings:
More than 80%
60% to 80%
40% to 60%
20% to 40%
Less than 20%
2. Consider this scenario:
Imagine that in the past three months, the overall stock market lost 25% of its value. An individual stock investment you own also lost 25% of its value. What would you do?
Sell all of my shares
Sell some of my shares
Do nothing
Invest more
3. Review the table below:
We’ve outlined best-case and worst-case annual returns of five investment plans. Which range of possible outcomes is most acceptable to you?
Scenario A
Scenario B
Scenario C
Scenario D
Scenario E
4. Review the chart below:
The portfolios below illustrate levels of market volatility over a 12-year period. Which series would you be the most comfortable with?
Portfolio 1
Portfolio 2
Portfolio 3
Portfolio 4
5. When I invest my money, I am:
Most concerned my investment will lose value
Equally concerned my investment will lose value or not gain enough value
Most concerned my investment won’t gain enough value
Year Calculation
S&P 500 Percent Risk
The number below represents the percent risk you would feel comfortable taking relative to the S&P 500, based on the results of the preceding questionnaire.
Target Rate of Return
This rate of return reflects the historic avg. return for the comparable level of risk
2018 Tariff Tension
Tariff Tension refers to the collective reactionary panic that resulted from the news related to the start of the China Trade War. During this period the S&P 500 fell 19.8%.
2011 Black Monday
2011 Black Monday refers to when U.S. and global stock markets crashed following the Friday night credit rating downgrade by Standard & Poor's of the U.S. sovereign debt from AAA, or "risk free", to AA+. During this period the S&P 500 fell 16.4%.
2007 Financial Crisis
10/08/2007 to 03/02/2009 - The Financial Crisis began in 2007 when the housing bubble burst. The crisis was the worst economic event in the U.S. since the Great Depression. During this period the S&P 500 fell 56.2%.
2000 Tech Bubble
03/20/2000 to 09/30/2002 - The Tech Bubble was a stock market bubble caused by excessive speculation in Internet-related companies in the late 1990s. During this period the S&P 500 fell 45.3%.
Total annual contribution or withdrawal
Growth Target
The number below reflects the historic performance of a portfolio with similar risk characteristics.
Max Drawdown Percent
This number represents the maximum percentage drawdown that a traditional portfolio with these risk characteristics might have experienced in the last 30 years.
Income Percent 1
This number represents the maximum percentage drawdown that a traditional portfolio with these risk characteristics might have experienced in the last 30 years.
Income Percent
This number represents the maximum percentage drawdown that a traditional portfolio with these risk characteristics might have experienced in the last 30 years.
Adaptive Percent
This number represents the maximum percentage drawdown that a traditional portfolio with these risk characteristics might have experienced in the last 30 years.
Equity Percent
This number represents the maximum percentage drawdown that a traditional portfolio with these risk characteristics might have experienced in the last 30 years.
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